Foundation - Katsuzo Nishimura started manufacturing of fire bricks for the first time in Japan as a private company in Shibaura, Tokyo.
Established Isekatsu Shirorenga Works in Fukagawa, Tokyo after amalgamating with the Shibaura Works.
Moved to Shinagawa, Tokyo and renamed to "Shinagawa Shirorenga Works".
Established Onahama Works at Onahama, Fukushima Pref.
Reorganized the Shinagawa Works into "Shinagawa Shirorenga Limited Partnership".
Reorganized into "Shinagawa Refractories Co., Ltd."
Established Yumoto Works in Iwaki, Fukushima Pref. and moved the Onahama Works.
Merged Nihon Yogyo Co., Ltd. (current Okayama Works Plant-1)
Established Okayama Works Plant-2 in Bizen, Okayama Pref.
Merged with Teikoku Yogyo Co., Ltd.
Established "Shinagawa Kigyo Co., Ltd." and Okayama Works Plant-3.
Established Kojima Yogyo Co., Ltd. (the original name of the company) in Kojima, Okayama and started the manufacture and sale of roseki bricks.
Became a subsidiary of Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd. and changed its trade name to Kawasaki Refractories Co., Ltd. Acquired Hinase Fire Brick Co., Ltd., a brick manufacturer.
Acquired a workshop of Kawasaki Heavy Industries. (Mitsuishi Refractories Works)
Entered into Technology Alliance with General Refractories, USA. (Basic Bricks RITEX)
Acquired Okayama Factory of Kawasaki Heavy Industries. Became an affiliated company with the Kawasaki Steel Corporation, a subsidiary of Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd.
Became a subsidiary of Kawasaki Steel Corporation.
Entered into Business Cooperation Agreement with Nippon Kokan Co., Ltd. Inaugurated Hinase Works.
Established Plant No.1 and 3 in Ako.(current Ako Works)
Invested jointly with Kobe Steel Ltd. for "Shinagawa Rozai Co., Ltd."
Established Shin-Yumoto Works (current Yumoto Works).
Established Chigusa Kogyo Co., Ltd.
Established Kashima Works (current Kashima Mfg. Dept.)
Established Tamashima Plant. (current Tamashima Mfg. Dept.)
Relocated the head office from Kobe to Ako.
Established "Shinagawa Roko Co., Ltd."
Completed the construction of Plant No.2 in Ako.
Acquired Chiba Refractories Industrial Co., Ltd.
Established "Shinagawa Kaihatsu Co., Ltd."
Established "Shinagawa Chemicals Co., Ltd."
Established Ako General Service Co., Ltd.
Established a representative office in Canada.
Announced "Dream Project 21". Started its approach for establishment of a new Shinagawa Refractories for the 21st Century.
Established a joint venture company, Kawasaki-Vesuvius Advanced Refractory Technology Inc. (then KVARTEC Co., Ltd.; Joint venture contract was terminated in 2009.)
Established a joint venture company, Shenyang Shinagawa Glorious Metallurgy materials Co., Ltd. (current Shenyang Shinagawa Metallurgy materials Co., Ltd.) in China.
Established a joint venture general refractory company, "Shinagawa Thermal Ceramics Pty. Ltd.", in Australia.
Merged Shinagawa Rozai Co., Ltd. with Daiichi-taikarenga Co., Ltd. and changed its trade name to "Ceratechno Co., Ltd."
Increased the equity in Shinagawa Thermal Ceramics to fully consolidate it and renamed "Shinagawa Refractories Australasia Pty. Ltd."
Split Fine Ceramics Division and established "Shinagawa Fine Ceramics Co., Ltd."
Made an equity investment to Jinan Ludong Refractory Co., Ltd., in China.
Acquired stock of Isolite Insulating Products Co., Ltd. to consolidate it.
Changed its trade name to JFE Refractories Corporation.
Established a joint venture company, Shinagawa Rongyuan Refractories Co., Ltd. in China.
Established "Shinagawa Advanced Materials Americas Inc." in USA. Amalgamated with the Shinagawa Roko and established "Roko Company".
Established a joint venture company, Liaoning Shinagawa Hefeng Metallurgical Material Co., Ltd. in China.
Merged with JFE Refractories Corporation.
Merged with Shinagawa Refractories Co., Ltd.
Split the Roko Company and established "Shinagawa Roko Co., Ltd."
Acquired Nippon Rotary Nozzle Co., Ltd.
Reorganizsed production plants structure: East Japan Works and West Japan Works.
SRA (Shinagawa Refractories Australasia Pty. Ltd.) established a joint venture company, PT. Shinagawa Refractories Indonesia, in Indonesia.
Transition to Company with Audit and Supervisory Committee.
SAM (Shinagawa Advanced Materials Americas Inc.) commenced commercial production of spray dried mold powders in USA.
Established a joint venture company, SG Shinagawa Refractories India Pvt. Ltd. in India.
SGSR (SG Shinagawa Refractories India Pvt. Ltd.) commenced commercial production of tap hole clay in India.
Merged Teikoku Yogyo Co., Ltd.
Isolite Insulating Products Co., Ltd. becomes a wholly owned subsidiary.
Established "Shinagawa Refractories Korea Corporation" in Korea.
Acquired the Brazilian Refractories business and the Alumina based Wear-Resistant Ceramics business in the United States from Saint-Gobain S.A.
Established a joint venture company, "PT. Shinagawa Refratech Perkasa" in Indonesia.
Acquired Gouda Refractories Group B.V., a Netherlands-based, leading manufacturer of refractories, from Andus Group B.V.
Established "Shandong Shinagawa Refractories Corporation" in China.